Some Interesting Updates of Minecraft 1.17 in Hindi and English
scroll down if you want the information in English
1) Minecraft के कुछ नए Features
Minecraft के इस नए Version में बोहोत कुछ Add किया गया है, वह चीजें
1) नए Blocks
Dripstone and Pointed Dripstone
Amethyst, clustured Amethyst यह एक चमकीला पत्थर है जिसपर चली सुरीली आवाज आती है
Copper ore, Copper ingot
Deepslate यह ब्लॉक जमीं के निचे घरेमे पाया जायेगा
Lava Cave Blocks लावा की Caves में अब ने ब्लॉक्स भी देखने मिलेंगे
Tinted Glass इस गिलास से Light pass नहीं होती
Spy Glass इस Glass का इस्तेमाल दूर की चीज़ें देखने के लिए होता है
2) नाइ जगह
Lava Culdrone
3) नए Mobs
'Axolotl = ये Mobs गहरे पानी में पाए जायेंगे जहाँपर अँधेरा होगा और Stone होंगे
ये आपके आसपास तैरेंगे जब आपके हाथ में Tropical Fish की Bucket होगी
'Glow Squid = ये भी पानी के अंदर ही पाए जायेंगे और ये
'Goat = ये जमीं पर पायी जाएगी
A solid black background is added for an alternative of Mojang studios loading screen
इस नए अपडेट में आपको बोहोत साडी नाइ Advancement देखने को मिलने वाली है यह सभी Advancement आपको English Section में दी गयी है थोड़ा निचे Scroll करे
1) Features
In this new version of Minecraft, various new things are added such as,
1) New blocks
~Dripstone and pointed Dripstone
~Amythyst, Clustered Amethyst- this is a glowing stone that makes noise when we walk on the stone
~Copper ore, Copper ingot
~Deepslate- this stone can be found deep underground
~Lava Cave blocks- some new blocks are visible in the Lava Caves
~Tinted Glass- this glass cant pass light
~Spy Glass- the spyglass is used to look at objects that are on long-distance
2) New Mobs
~Axolotl- these mob spawn in water underground, Axolotl loves tropical fish.
Axolotl swims around you if you are holding a bucket of tropical fish
~Glow Squid- these mobs are also found in water but they glow therefore we can easily see them from a distance
~Goat-goat spawn in the mountain, goats are another source of milk
A solid black background is added for an alternative of Mojang studios loading screen
1) “Whatever Floats Your Goat!” when you float in a boat with a goat
2) “Wax on” when you apply a Honeycomb to the copper block
3) “Wax off” when you scrape off a Copper Block
4) “Glow and Behold” when you make a sign glow
5) “The Healing Power of Friendship!” when you team up with an Axolotl and wins a fight
6) “Is It a Plane?” when you look at Ender Dragon with a spyglass
7) “Light as a Rabbit when you walk on snow with leather boots
8) “Is It a Balloon?” when you look a Ghast whit a spyglass
9) “The Cutest Predator” when you catch an Axolotl in a bucket
10) Is It a Bird?” when you look at a Parrot with a spyglass